Cthulhu Crochet. This little Cthulhu can be crocheted relatively quickly and is. My very first pattern a cuddly snuggly Cthulhu.
Posted on August 29 2018 January 31 2019 by stringsandthingss. My sister is an avid gamer and a big fan of HP. Ultimately I went with this Cuddly Cthulhu pattern from Cthulhu Crochet and Cousins though I had some help from the pattern Dread Cthulhu Crochet from Fruppi on Instructables.
Dread Crocheted Cthulhu.
Back in May I posted about the adorable designs by Genny Haines that were being released by Goldleaf. Dread Cthulhu has been sleeping in Ryleh and has awakened to adorably eat all his cultists. The stars are right. Needle Noodles shows us how to weave the patterns and summon the holy horror from beyond the web of lies.